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Minimum Required Lab Equipment for Pharmacy Department by Bangladesh Government

Minimum Standard Required of Laboratory-wise Equipments/ Machineries List for Any Pharmacy Department Running a Bachelor of Pharmacy Program Must Contain the Following Minimum Instruments in Their Laboratories.

(The laboratories and their instruments listed here are only a suggestive minimum requirement. Any university may create more laboratories or include more instruments or machinery in their laboratories.)

Minimum Required Lab Equipment for Pharmacy Department by Bangladesh Government

1) Inorganic and Physical Pharmacy Laboratory: 

  1. Analytical Balance
  2. Bunsen Burner and Gas 
  3. Burette, Pipette, and Glassware 
  4. Chiller 
  5. Clamp with Stand 
  6. Condenser 
  7. Deionization Water System
  8. Desiccators 
  9. Drying Oven 
  10. Extraction Device 
  11. Fume Hood 
  12. Humidity-Controlled Stability Ovens 
  13. Karl Fischer Apparatus 
  14. Melting Point Apparatus 
  15. Mortar and Pestle 
  16. pH Meter 
  17. Rotary Evaporator 
  18. Sonication Bath 
  19. Suction Pump 
  20. Titration Apparatus 
  21. Top Loading Balance 
  22. UV Spectrophotometer 
  23. Water Bath

2) Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Laboratory:

  1. Analytical Balance
  2. Bunsen Burner and Gas 
  3. Burette, Pipette, and Glassware 
  4. Cepha Column 
  5. Clamp with Stand 
  6. Column Chromatography 
  7. Digital Colony Meter 
  8. Dryer 
  9. Fume Hood 
  10. Grinding Machine 
  11. Heating Mantle 
  12. Homogenizer 
  13. Incubator 
  14. Milling Machine 
  15. Moisture Balance 
  16. Paper Chromatography 
  17. pH Meter 
  18. PTLC 
  19. Reflux Flask with Condenser 
  20. Rotary Evaporator 
  21. Soxhlet Apparatus 
  22. Sonicator 
  23. TLC Chamber and Sprayer 
  24. UV Spectrophotometer 
  25. Vacuum Pump 
  26. Water Bath 
  27. Water Distillation Plant

3) Organic Pharmacy and Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory:

  1. Analytical Balance 
  2. Bunsen Burner and Gas 
  3. Burette, Pipette, and Glassware
  4. Fume Hood 
  5. Heating Mantle 
  6. Hot Plate Magnetic Stirrer 
  7. Karl Fisher Titration Apparatus 
  8. Magnetic Stirrer 
  9. Micropipette 
  10. Pipette 
  11. Reaction Chamber 
  12. Solvent Purification System 
  13. Stability Chamber 
  14. TLC Plate 
  15. UV Spectrophotometer 
  16. Vacuum Pump 
  17. Water Bath 
  18. Water Distillation Plant

4) Pharmaceutical Analysis Laboratory:

  1. Analytical Balance
  2. Bunsen Burner and Gas 
  3. Burette, Pipette, and Glassware 
  4. Colorimeter 
  5. Conductivity Meter 
  6. Flame Photometer 
  7. Fume Hood 
  8. Hot Extraction Equipment 
  9. HPLC 
  10. Humidity Control Oven 
  11. IR Spectroscopy 
  12. Karl Fisher Apparatus 
  13. Melting Point Apparatus 
  14. pH Meter 
  15. Polarimeter 
  16. Potentiometer 
  17. Titration Apparatus
  18. Tray Dryer 
  19. Turbidity Meter 
  20. UV Visible Spectrophotometer 
  21. Vacuum Pump 
  22. Water Bath 
  23. Water Distillation Plant

5) Physiology and Pharmacology Laboratory:

  1. Analgesimeter 
  2. Analytical Balance 
  3. Anatomical Models (Heart, Brain, Ear, Eye, Stomach Pancreas, Kidney, Liver, Intestines, Reproductive System, etc.) 
  4. Anatomical Specimen 
  5. Balance for Weighing Small Animals 
  6. Balance for Weighing Small Animals 
  7. Blood Analyzer 
  8. Centrifuge Machine
  9. Clamp with Stand 
  10. Colorimeter 
  11. Digital Microscope 
  12. Dissecting (Surgical Instrument) Box 
  13. Fast Aid Box 
  14. Frog Board 
  15. Glassware 
  16. Hemocytometer 
  17. Human Model 
  18. Kymograph Machine 
  19. Micropipette 
  20. Microscope 
  21. Plethysmograph 
  22. Rabbit/ Rat/ Mice Cage 
  23. Slide and Cover Slips
  24. Sphygmomanometer
  25. Top Loading Balance 26 Vortex Mixer

6) Microbiology Laboratory:

  1. Analytical Balance 
  2. Bunsen Burner and Gas 
  3. Glassware 
  4. Aseptic Cabinet 
  5. Autoclave 
  6. Centrifuge Machine 
  7. Colony Counter 
  8. Digital Colony Meter 
  9. ETP Plant 1
  10. Hot Air Oven 
  11. Hot Plate 
  12. Incubator 
  13. Laminar Air Flow 
  14. Membrane Filter 
  15. Micropipette 
  16. Microscope 
  17. Petri Dishes 
  18. Refrigerator 
  19. Viscometer
  20. Water Bath 
  21. Water Distillation Plant

7) Pharmaceutical Technology and Cosmetology Laboratory:

  1. Prescription Balance 
  2. Blender 
  3. Capselector 
  4. Capsule Filling Machine 
  5. Capsule Polishing Machine
  6. Coating Machine 
  7. Dissolution Tester 
  8. Distillation Unit 
  9. Glassware 
  10. Double Cone Blender 
  11. Drum Mixer 
  12. Friability Tester 
  13. Glassware 
  14. Granulating Sieve Set 
  15. Grinding Mill 
  16. Hardness Tester 
  17. Homogenizer 
  18. Mechanical Stirrer 
  19. Hot Air Oven 
  20. Pestle and Mortar 
  21. Refrigerator 
  22. Suppository Moulds 
  23. Tablet Coating Pan 
  24. Tablet Disintegration Machine 
  25. Tablet Machine 
  26. Top Loading Balance 
  27. Viscometer

8) Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics Laboratory:

  1. Analytical Balance 
  2. Dissolution Tester
  3. Distillation Unit 
  4. Friability Tester
  5. Glassware 
  6. Hardness Tester
  7. Mechanical Stirrer 
  8. Mortar and Pestle (Porcelain and Glass)
  9. Oven 
  10. Refrigerator
  11. Tablet Disintegration Machine
  12. Glassware 
  13. Tensile Tester
  14. Top Loading Balance
  15. UV Spectrophotometer

9) Computer Laboratory:

  1. Air Conditioner 
  2. Computers Connected with the Internet
  3. Desktop 
  4. Do Printer 
  5. Laptop 
  6. Seat Capacities

10) Medicinal Plant Garden: 

Information Details Description 

  1. Area (sq. feet) 2,000 (Minimum) 
  2. No. of Plants 50 (Minimum) 
  3. Scientific Name with Family Attached with the Plants 
  4. Use of Plants Attached with the Plants

11) Animal House:

Criteria Description
  1. Area (sq feet) 200 (Minimum) 
  2. Do Air Conditioners 
  3. Do Dust Management System 
  4. No. of Cages 20 (Minimum) 
  5. No. of Mice/Rats being Maintained (at a time) 100 (Minimum) 
  6. No. of Mice/ Rat per Cage 10 (Maximum)
  7. Proper Care of Animals with Food and Water Supply 

Source of Information


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